Normal - Combination Skin
The most common skin type, that has a slightly oily t-zone but with normal (non oily) cheek areas. This exhibits good circulation and healthy colour. You may find that some products may be more effective in different areas of your face, so I would suggest treating your t-zone differently to the rest of your face. I recommend using an astringent agent on your t-zone, especially if you are prone to breaking out in those areas. Tea tree products work great for me. I would also recommend using a heavier moisturiser on your cheeks, as those areas are lacking moisture. Overall, exfoliating your skin once a week will also prevent your skin from looking dull. I regularly steam my face and it works wonders.Oily Skin
The skin in general is quite shiny, especially in the t-zone area. The great thing about oily skin is that the excess sebum that is produced helps the skin to age better, helping fewer wrinkles to form as the oils keep the skin plump (its like natures own anti ageing moisturiser). However, the skin may be prone to spots, as the excess sebum may trap dust and bacteria from the environment, which may clog your pores. The oil itself does not cause acne. Try using a facial cleanser (or face wash) that is designed for oily skin. You are looking for ingredients such as salicylic acid, tea tree or witch hazel.Do not make the mistake of avoid moisturising your skin because it is oily. Use an oil free moisturiser as this will hydrate the skin but without the oil. I also recommend exfoliating the skin, to unclog pores and get rid of dead skin cells.
Dry Skin
The can get quite flaky, red and patchy as well as prone to fine wrinkles. Dry skin is more common with older women, as fluctuating hormones bring about this change. In women of colour, the skin may appear ashy and dull.
Dry skin can be tricky and requires extra special care. Use heavy moisturisers during the day and topical aqueous creams before you sleep. You do not need to worry about heavy moisturisers giving you breakouts. I would still recommend exfoliating, but with a much gentler exfoliator (micro beads). Avoid astringent agents as that will make the skin worse.
For those who have sensitive skin, I would say to avoid products that are heavily scented and use products that are specially designed for sensitive skin. 10 years ago, there weren't many products on the market that could be used on sensitive skin but nowadays even drugstore products have their own sensitive skin range.
Other tips
Avoid sun damage. Try and always wear spf, even if you live in sunny england!! You might not see the effects of sun damage now, but it will definitely catch up with you when you get older. Preserve your youth.
Even if you do not wear much makeup, do not go to bed without cleansing your face. All the dirt and product buildup from the day will sit on your face overnight. If you don't have the energy to cleanse with a face wash then use some gentle wipes.
As well as looking after your skin from the outside, I cannot stress how important it is for your to stay hydrated from the inside!! Drink as much water as you can to flush out toxins through your system. Some gentle exercise also contributes to glowing skin. Trust me I am talking from experience!!
As well as looking after your skin from the outside, I cannot stress how important it is for your to stay hydrated from the inside!! Drink as much water as you can to flush out toxins through your system. Some gentle exercise also contributes to glowing skin. Trust me I am talking from experience!!
I hope this post helped. Feel free to leave comments asking any particular questions you may have. Good luck.
Stay blessed. Peace!
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