Monday, 1 October 2012

The one with the interview mis-haps

Bonjour my fellow beauties. Hope you are well. Yes I'm throwing out post by post but I just have so much to talk about. I must admit, blogging has been quite therapeutic. I'm here to talk to you about how to give off the best impression when being interviewed. 

Unemployment can be emotionally and financially draining. We have all been there at one point or another, and with the current economic recession finding work is like a battlefield. Ever get frustrated and feel like job searching is a never ending process? I tried researching some articles to see if your looks can play a part in the hiring process, regardless of your qualifications and suitability for the role. Here is what I found:-

Keep sweat at bay 

Nerves sometimes do get the better of us, but there is nothing more off putting than an unpleasant odour and the appearance of sweat (unless Snoop Dogg is interviewing you). We obviously can't help our feelings and hormones, but a good shower and some deodorant should do the trick. Keep a handkerchief handy so you can mop up before you enter the interviewing room or you can use tissue. Blot the tissue, don't wipe, or you will find bits of tissue on your face.

Pay attention to the little things

Employers will look for anything that could be a deal breaker. That includes chipped, dirty nails and runny mascara. These mistakes send messages that indicate that you do not care for presentation or attention to detail, or that you do not think two steps ahead. Crazy I know, but hiring someone is not an easy choice, so employers will look for anything to weigh you up against your competitors. If you do want to paint your nails, then paint them in a clear coat or a soft pink. That way if your nails do chip, its less obvious.

Professionalism is essential 

I'm not just talking about clothes. Yes, dress smart and show them interviewer than you mean business. However, sometimes you might become too friendly and get carried away with the conversation. Remember that the interviewer is not your friend, so don't ask your pregnant interviewer if she is planning to breastfeed her baby or give the interviewer  a hug as you leave!

Be minimalistic 

Don't overdo your accessories and makeup. Keep makeup neutral and pretty, and keep chunky accessories at home. Stick to maybe one statement piece. I would avoid large rings, especially if you talk with your hands as it can be very distracting. You want the interviewer to focus on what you are saying, rather than what you are wearing. 

Confidence - fake it 

If you are feeling confident, then great!! But if you aren't, then try your best not to show it. A key giveaway is posture. I know its sounds simple but posture can indicate your confidence levels. Try your best to sit up straight and look at the interviewer. Looking at them will give the impression that you are making eye contact, even though your not as comfortable. It will make such a difference, trust me! 

Hope these these tips helped. Good luck :)

Stay blessed. Peace!!!

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